
Java program for library management system
Java program for library management system

java program for library management system

That is, the developed automated library management software would meet the needs of the growing students and teachers demand. Another thing is that using this software, user could find out books searching by any one of these: title, author’s name, subject, publication, series, ISBN/ISSN, etc. Besides, notifications and reports are viewed instantly for corresponding users.

java program for library management system

The main features of this software are user interactive graphical representation (using bar diagram and pie chart) of the total number of books requested, books uploaded, yearly books count etc. To overcome this situation appeared in most of the middle level countries like Bangladesh, authors develop an automated digital library management system. With the increasing of number of students in Universities, maintaining a library using the old management methods is too much complex and time consuming and hardly possible to adapt to the development of times. The level of maintaining a library is closely related to the quality of teaching in Universities. The concept of sharing knowledge is centralized in a digital library, which plays a vital role in the dissemination of knowledge and spiritual civilization. Using internet, the democratization of knowledge has been easier. In the era of modernization, everything is accomplished or thought to be accessed through internet so that do not need to waste time and face any inconvenience.

Java program for library management system