Still, I wanted a way to install it without the drive. I also have a MacBook Air which I successfully installed Boot Camp on with the use of an external drive. I’m not sure why it refuses to work, but I tried cleaning it with canned air, which improved its condition a little because now at least it "swallows" the DVD and spins it – it just never recognizes it. I have a late 2009 27" iMac which has a built-in Optical Drive, one that is not operational anymore. Below is his version on how to get Windows Boot Camp, and thus, Windows, on your Mac.

Alvaro is one of the many readers who left a comment on that thread. Otherwise, upgrading from a fully activated version of Windows 7 or 8.x to Windows 10 on a Mac with a Boot Camp partition will work pretty much the same way as it does on a PC, including the oddities involved in getting a new product key and performing clean, properly activated installs.Editor’s Note: Previously, we published a post by Daniel Pataki on How To Install Windows on Mac when all else fails. If you want to do anything more complicated than tap-to-click with your multitouch trackpad, you'll need to use a third-party driver like TrackPad++, which actually does do a decent job of supporting Windows 10's new trackpad gestures once you've played with the settings a bit. The Boot Camp software still supports Windows 8.1, too, but official Windows 7 support was dropped back in March.īoot Camp 6 brings new drivers but not many other features-the Boot Camp Control Panel is still barebones, and it still uses OS X 10.4-era folder icons.

If that seems a bit stingy, remember that most PC OEMs aren't officially supporting systems older than 2012, either.

The new Boot Camp update supports all iMacs, Mac Minis, Mac Pros, MacBook Pros, MacBooks Airs, and MacBooks released after 2012 that's not to say that you can't get it working on older Macs, but you're on your own. New installs of Windows using the Boot Camp Assistant tool should download the new drivers automatically, and those performing upgrade installs can use the Windows version of Apple's Software Update tool to download the new drivers before performing the Windows 10 upgrade install. If you're one of those people who runs Windows on your Mac, good news: Apple has just released Boot Camp 6, which brings updated drivers and official support for Windows 10 to the company's hardware. Further Reading Windows 10 is an easy free upgrade (if your PC maker is on board)